Contact By Puzzle

Unfortunately we live in a world where information on web-sites is routinely harvested and added to spam lists… So we’re not too anxious to put our email addresses out here where the baddies can see them and flood our inbox with unwanted email. If you have the password for this site then just go to the Contact Info Page to get in touch with us. But if you don’t have the password and are up for a puzzle challenge, here’s another way…

Try emailing Peter using his email address at Google. His email starts with the first letter of his first name followed by the first letter of his middle name followed by his full last name. His middle name starts with L in case you were wondering. Then the at sign and the expected Google Mail domain (the one half the world uses – it starts with the first letter of google followed by the word mail).

Or you can contact Melodye using her email address. Her email address is super-easy because it is just her first name (careful with the spelling!) followed by a period followed by her last name followed by the usual @ sign and that Google Mail domain.

If that puzzle is too confusing then your best bet is to go to the Contact-Us Form Page and ask for the password. Then you can go to the Contact Info Page and get our email addresses in a more straightforward way.